These lovely faces are no stranger to my blog, but goodness they are getting cuter & cuter all the time. I was lucky enough to spend some time with the White family when I went home for thanksgiving. This shoot is full of a few of my favorite things, my little princesses & giant balloons!
Love you Kenny, Sharon, Rhaylee Paige & Tae Tae Boos!
from Texas.
Love this girl!
One of my favorite photos I've taken.. Not sure why, but I love this.
Sara flew into Dallas last week to help a friend move back to California, and during her whirlwind adventure in Texas she managed to spend an afternoon hanging out with me! We weren't sure what to do, I suggested getting Sara in front of my camera, a wardrobe change and 20 minutes later we were shooting in the humid Texas heat. :)
Sara is such a blessing to every person she comes into contact with. She has a quiet spirit that takes the time to see the heart of those around her, and always finds a way to make each friend feel like they are her only and dearest friend. She has been such a true friend to me and I am glad to have her to show me how to love others better. She is also stunning, and not afraid to work it in front of the camera. I love the quiet confidence that shines through her.
Sara girl, it was so good to see you. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with you, thank you for always listening, understanding, loving and giving the best advice. Thank you for your friendship. You do my heart so much good. I hope you know how beautiful you are, inside and out.
Sara has a tattoo of Colossians 3:15 on her foot, it says "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."
This is such a special post for me to write. The Rice family has been such a huge influence on my life. It all began with a babysitting job a few years ago, and now these people are a giant part of my family. I am so thankful for the way that God brings people into my life to teach me, challenge me, and bring me such joy. Watching little Conor and Emma grow has been such a blessing to me, and I'm so thankful to Shaughn & Amy for opening their home & their hearts to me. I cannot express how thankful I am to get to watch this family. Shaughn & Amy are celebrating their 5 year anniversary and it is so wonderful to watch people who treasure eachother, serve eachother, and enjoy eachother as much as these two do. I am so blessed to call the Rice's my family. When I traveled to California last month we spent an evening in the mountains taking some maternity & family portraits. Enjoy.
I was so thankful to be a part of this wedding. Zach and Elisabeth were meant for each other. Seriously. They know it, and so does everyone who spends time with them. Zach is exactly the man Elisabeth prayed for and she is the girl of his dreams. They caught each others eyes at Advocare success school, and now I am absolutely confident they will go on to be successful together.
Their wedding day was beautiful, and it was so apparent to me that they were so ready not only for the wedding, but for their lives together to start.
Zach & Elisabeth, thank you so much for choosing me to be your photographer and making me a part of your day. I was blessed to get to know you and the people who surround you. I can't wait to see where God leads you in your marriage. I know you'll do amazing things together!
Elisabeth suprised Zach by having his favorite dessert, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream catered to the event!