The Markle family has big news! Big, Secret News! :)
Nina is having a baby! But because many people in their family want the gender of the baby to be a surprise, they aren't telling anyone what the baby will be, although they are enjoying their little secret I know they will be so excited to have the secret out! Baby Markle is due on Christmas Eve this year, but hopefully they'll all be able to celebrate the holiday as a happy new family all together & not in the hospital. :)
Matt, Nina & Brandon, I had so much fun spending the afternoon with you! I cannot wait to meet your new little addition. Mr. Brandon, I would love to have you come along as my assistant anytime! :) I hope you all enjoy the photos. Much Love!
Brandon is excited to be a big brother!
Little Stud muffin right there! He can already wink at the ladies!
They are big Red Sox fans!
The image on the right is Brandon's point of view, at first I was just trying to distract him from throwing rocks in the stream, but I really like the photo!
Brandon LOVES Cars. He is so lucky, because he has every character to play with at home. We brought along some of his collection for his 4 year old portraits. :)
Big pre-school boy!
A little Mommy & Daddy time.
Be Blessed & Be Thankful.