This has been a very special summer in my life. I may even be so bold to say the best I've had so far. I have spent a RIDICULOUS amount of time on vacation, but I have been learning and thinking.. Seeing new things, and seeing old things new ways. I have been truly blessed to have this time of freedom in my life. After an awesome time with my Dad and the family in Texas, I came home, only to leave the next day for a mini-getaway to Palm Springs with the women of my family. It was an awesome time of relaxation by the pool, filled with talks with the ones we love. I got to spend a morning talking for a few hours with my Aunt about the things God has been teaching me, the places I think he may be leading me, and a wal-mart trip with my cousin, chatting about life, boys, and all of the above. I had the chance to photograph all of these special ladies, {minus the lovely Sharon who was sick :(( } at the Summer Villagefest.
We had a great time exploring the market and seeing many talented performers doing their thing. And I did my thing and shot a few photos. Hope you enjoy these! :)
Ladies of my family.. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Teaching me, encouraging me, and allowing me to follow my dreams! Love You all more than you know. :)
Auntie & Sarah!
Nana & her girls.
haha, I have NO idea what just happened...
My sisters and Momma.
Palm Springs!
I'm not sure why, but these 2 photos go together... haha.
Drum Circle Fun... so cool, there's 2 drummers, and 20 chairs with drums in the center, anyone can go sit and play, and it sounds pro! the most awesome thing was that when the lead drummer stood up and counted, they all stopped at once!
This photo is officially one of my favorites ever. I saw this little boy climbing the fence, so I stopped to take his photo and just when I snapped it, his Dad noticed him and stepped into my frame, and the little one saw him too.. His reaction? Uh-Oh... haha.
This guy was Epic. haha.
My Nana loved this Sax player, she bought his CD and he played "Lady in The Red", one of her favorite songs, just for her.
Loved this guy... :)
This guy was saving for his last semester of music school. Very talented! :)
Be Blessed & Be Thankful!