Friday, November 12, 2010

Portraits: Tina.

So I know I have already messed up my whole daily blogging thing. haha. I KNEW posting that I had a goal on the Internet would be bad luck . But yesterday I learned a lesson. Actually, I just relearned it. It's a simple thing but sometimes it gets forgotten in the heat of the moment. STAY POSITIVE. I know, it's a "duh" thing right? But every once in a while I allow myself to get worked up about small things. And that causes me to forget all of the BIG things I have to be thankful for. This morning my brother reminded me of all the reasons I had to wake up with a smile on my face, with this facebook post: "(Bubba)

is somehow still in a good mood, even though he ran out of gas, rushed to class and showed up late, only to discover class was cancelled, then went to winco and forgot this wallet, then thought he locked his keys in his car! Oh how i love my happy spirit sometimes! :D Allows me to be happy, even on bad days!" and for that I am thankful. He made me realize that if he could be positive through all of that, I could suck it up and make the most of my day. 

And today, I am thankful for  all of the Veterans and Current Soldiers who fought for my freedom. So often people get so wrapped up in the politics of war that they forget to care about OUR men and women that are away fighting to keep us safe. I am thankful for them and all they do/have done for this country. I am truly blessed to live in a free country where I have liberty and know that I am safe. So THANK YOU to anyone out there who may read this, and if you aren't in the armed forces, but know someone who is, thank them because they deserve our appreciation. 
On that note, one of my very best friends Tina's boyfriend is enlisted in the Army. Aaron has been away at bootcamp for 3 months and just graduated! While he was away,  they wrote letters to each other every day. It was so sweet to watch their relationship grow through their time apart, rather than struggle to stay together. It was very inspiring to me, and I'm so proud of them both. Tina and I did a mini-session during this time to send some photos over to Aaron as a surprise. Here are a few of my favorites from the day. 


The Army Bracelet She Always Wears. :)





My Best Friend Thinks I'm Funny...




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